Red Flags: Indicators

October 11, 2023


Child trafficking is a deeply concerning issue, and it's important to be aware of potential signs that a child might be a victim. While these signs are not definitive proof on their own, they can raise suspicion and warrant further investigation by authorities or professionals. 

Signs of child trafficking may include:

Physical Signs:

  - Evidence of physical abuse or injuries.

  - Signs of malnourishment or neglect.

  - Inadequate clothing, hygiene, or medical care.

Behavioral Signs:

  - Sudden and unexplained changes in behavior, such as withdrawal, depression, or aggression.

  - Fear of a specific person or reluctance to discuss certain topics.

  - Running away from home repeatedly.

Control by Others:

  - A child appears to be under the control of someone else who makes decisions on their behalf.

  - Restricting a child's freedom, such as not allowing them to attend school or interact with peers.

Lack of Personal Documentation:

  - A child lacks personal identification documents like a birth certificate or passport.

  - False or forged documents may be in use.

Involvement in Commercial Sex Acts:

  - A child may be involved in prostitution or the commercial sex trade against their will.

  - Signs of frequent movement between locations, such as hotels, may be present.

Isolation from Family and Friends:

  - A child is isolated from their family, friends, or social support networks.

  - They may not be allowed to speak freely or communicate without supervision.

Exploitative Labor:

  - A child is forced to work in exploitative conditions, such as long hours, low pay, or hazardous work environments.

  - They may have injuries related to labor exploitation.

Online Presence and Exploitation:

  - A child may be coerced or groomed online by traffickers.

  - Sharing explicit content, engaging in sexting, or communicating with unknown individuals online.

Signs of Traffickers' Control:

  - Presence of older individuals who exert control over the child.

  - Threats, coercion, or intimidation tactics used to keep the child compliant.

It's important to note that these signs should be considered in context, and not all may be present in every trafficking situation. If you suspect a child is a victim of trafficking or in immediate danger, please contact your local law enforcement agency or a child protection organization immediately. Child trafficking is a crime, and trained professionals should be involved in investigating and addressing it.

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Survivor of sex trafficking, Rebekah Charleston, together with other survivors of sexual exploitation and violence have released a blistering video denouncing Nevada for legal prostitution—a legal framework which fuels sexual exploitation and violence.
By Awaken June 16, 2021
Awaken recognizes, honors and celebrates Juneteenth, celebrating the commemoration of the ending of slavery in the United States. We also realize the work is far from over. Sadly, we have an up-close look at how women and girls of color are still targeted as victims in the commercial sex trade both nationally and in our own community. The commercial sex trade, also known as Modern Day Slavery is highly gendered, causing a disproportionate amount of harm to women and girls. Modern day slavery also has strong racial biases disproportionally subjecting minority women and girls to sexual and physical violence and acts of racism. BLACK GIRLS ARE DISPROPORTIONATELY AT-RISK Studies report that Black girls become trafficked at younger ages compared to their racial counterparts. They are more likely to experience poverty, and consequently more likely to be disconnected from schools and other community supports. According to the FBI, Black children comprise 53% of all juvenile prostitution arrests—more than any other racial group. Even in communities where a small percentage of the population is Black, Black girls are disproportionately trafficked. At Awaken, 48% of our participants report as a woman or girl of color: 13% or our participants identify as Black. However, in Washoe County just 2.8% of the population reports as Black. This discrepancy shows just how disproportionate women and girls of color are being targeted for sexual exploitation in our community. One participant who wishes to remain anonymous, was brave enough to describe the racism and exploitation she experienced as a woman of color inside one of Nevada’s brothels. “I was humiliated when a staff member at the brothel told me to go to my room when certain racist men would enter the brothel so they wouldn’t have to see me. I can’t count the number of times I was called a big nigger. One client told me I was an old black horse that needed to be put down. Once a brothel staff member told me he wanted me to dress up like a slave and do a photo shoot with a man dressed in KKK attire standing above me. I faced racism like this on a regular basis during my 10 years on and off in the brothels.” Awaken stands in solidarity with women and girls of color, recognizing the harms that have been coming to them for generations, and unfortunately continue to come to them in the form of Modern Day Slavery right here in our own community. At Awaken, we stand against racism and we stand against hate. We believe everyone deserves to be free, especially from Modern Day Slavery.
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